UK Butterflies

Building a Community of Responsible Butterfly Enthusiasts in Britain & Ireland

Purple-edged Copper

Lycaena hippothoe

ly-SEE-nuh hippo-THOH-ee

34 - 38 mm

Checklist Number

Purple-edged Copper

Lycaena hippothoe

ly-SEE-nuh hippo-THOH-ee

34 - 38 mm

Checklist Number

Although this species has figured in early literature as a species found in the British Isles, it is considered doubtful that it has ever occurred naturally - a picture clouded by the apparently-liberal manner in which early entomological dealers made this species available.

This species was first defined in Linnaeus (1761) as shown here (type locality: Sweden).

Family:LycaenidaeLeach, 1815
Subfamily:LycaeninaeLeach, 1815
Tribe:LycaeniniLeach, 1815
Genus:LycaenaFabricius, 1807
Species:hippothoe(Linnaeus, 1761)